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14 July - Time is TBD


Baierbach (Simssee)

Baptism on 14 July

What are you waiting for? Get up and be baptized. Ha e your sins washed away by calling on the name of the Lord. (Acts 22, 16)

Baptism on 14 July
Baptism on 14 July

Time & Location

14 July - Time is TBD

Baierbach (Simssee)

About the event

Have you already been baptised or are you perhaps considering taking this   next step in faith? We find clear words on this in Acts 22:16:

"Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your   sins by calling on His name!"

If you have made the decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour and to   follow Him, there is no reason to wait any longer. 

The baptism will take place on 14 July after the church service at Lake  Simssee (Baierbach - same location as last year). If the weather is fine, we  will have a picnic together beforehand (everyone brings their own food).

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