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Sunday Morning

Sundays - with kids church

9.45am (Translation into English available)





Tanzpalast, Kufsteiner Str. 55, 83022 

Previous Messages

Als Teil der Evangelischen Allianz möchten wir euch einladen, bei der diesjährigen Allianzgebetswoche mit dem Thema "Miteinander Hoffnung leben" mit dabei zu sein!

Von Montag (13.01.) bis Freitag (17.01.) gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten, zu verschiedenen Uhrzeiten an verschiedenen Orten gemeinsam zu beten (s. unten).

Some highlights over the coming weeks

  • Destiny Outdoors
    Destiny Outdoors
    Date, time and place will be
    agreed in the WhatsApp group
    Date, time and place will be
    agreed in the WhatsApp group
    Date, time and place will be
    agreed in the WhatsApp group
    Are you active and enjoy being outdoors? Do you want to do things with nice people? Then Destiny Outdoors is just the thing for you!
  • Women's breakfast - Man does not live by bread alone.....
    Women's breakfast - Man does not live by bread alone.....
    Every other Thursday at 9 am
    Location to be announced
    Every other Thursday at 9 am
    Location to be announced
    Every other Thursday at 9 am
    Location to be announced
    WOMEN ONLY We take this Bible verse as an opportunity to meet regularly to strengthen body, mind and soul.
  • deutschsprachige Gruppe
    deutschsprachige Gruppe
    Jeden 2. Dienstag von 19.30 - 21.30 Uhr
    Ort wird bekanntgegeben
    Jeden 2. Dienstag von 19.30 - 21.30 Uhr
    Ort wird bekanntgegeben
    Jeden 2. Dienstag von 19.30 - 21.30 Uhr
    Ort wird bekanntgegeben
    Wir treffen uns jeden zweiten Dienstag Abend und vertiefen nochmal das Predigtthema des vergangenen Sonntags. Dabei gehen wir auf die entsprechenden Bibelverse ein, tauschen uns aus und suchen Antworten auf evtl. Fragen im Wort.
  • Filipino Group
    Filipino Group
    Every Friday from 7.30 - 9 pm
    via Zoom
    Every Friday from 7.30 - 9 pm
    via Zoom
    Every Friday from 7.30 - 9 pm
    via Zoom
    If you feel more comfortable to talk and pray in Tagalog or English, then this group is for you!
  • DC LOUNGE - Group
    DC LOUNGE - Group
    Every Thursday 7.30 - 9.30 pm
    FEG Lounge (most of the time)
    Every Thursday 7.30 - 9.30 pm
    FEG Lounge (most of the time), Am Salzstadel 16, 83022 Rosenheim, Deutschland
    Every Thursday 7.30 - 9.30 pm
    FEG Lounge (most of the time), Am Salzstadel 16, 83022 Rosenheim, Deutschland
    For young adults / professionals / students
  • DC Crew
    DC Crew
    Every 2nd Monday from 6 - 7.30 pm
    Location to be announced
    Every 2nd Monday from 6 - 7.30 pm
    Location to be announced
    Every 2nd Monday from 6 - 7.30 pm
    Location to be announced
    Our teens (11 -14 years) meet every 2nd Monday evening to learn more about God and His Word and to pray together. On Sundays they serve in church in one of our teams or receive age-appropriate teaching after worship (weekly rotation)
  • English speaking group
    English speaking group
    every other Wednesday evening - 7.30 pm
    Location to be announced
    every other Wednesday evening - 7.30 pm
    Location to be announced
    every other Wednesday evening - 7.30 pm
    Location to be announced
    If German isn't your native language and you feel more comfortable to chat and pray in English - this GROUP is for you! We meet every second Wednesday evening and delve deeper into the previous Sunday's sermon topic.
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